Rose Parade Rally Day 1

Ever since we went to the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta in 2009 we have talked about going to the Rose Parade rally.  We finally decided to do it this year.  There are plans for 29 trailers to be parked in a local school district parking lot.  The parking was to start on Sunday at 10:30am and conclude at 4pm.

We could have driven down on Sunday and make the parking time but we decided to do something that we did before.  We left around 5pm on Saturday and made it to Valencia/Santa Clarita/Stevenson Ranch (take your pick) and spent the night in the Camping World parking lot:

2014-12-27 20.57.23

It got down to below 40° that night but our Heater Buddy kept us warm.  We slept in until 9:30!  Unheard of for us.  I guess it was being worn out from all the Christmas.  We stopped at WalMart to get a few things and then headed out.

It is only around 40 miles to Pasadena so the drive was short and uneventful.  About 1/2 of the trailers were there when we showed up and were parked.  Here is a view of some of the trailers:


Urban dry camping at the best.  This evening we got to meet a whole bunch of new people.  It was a good start to the rally.

Picking up the Airstream and heading out again.

We went to Toscano’s on Wednesday to pickup the Airstream after the repairs were done.  Well, at least some of the repairs.

We have some wood that has cracked on both sides of the bed.  The parts have been ordered from Airstream but it is unknown how long it will take to get to Toscano’s.  We also had issues with the fresh water tank not reading correctly on the sensor.  I would take out 3 gallons of the 50 gallon tank and the meter would show 5/8 remaining?  The techs said they could actually see the meter drop as they were running water.  Changing the sensor and the meter made no difference.  The company that made the meter was stumped.  They will try again when we take the trailer back.

The other issue was the jack.  It made a terrible noise when operational.  They found a broken bolt inside but left it on the trailer.  They stated that the manufacturer was sending a new jack head.  OK.  I can live with that as long as it will get fixed.  I went to raise the trailer to hookup and the jack did not work at all.  I thought maybe the techs turned off the 12v switch but all the other 12v systems were working fine.  They came out and found the jack was blowing fuses each time they put one it.  The replaced the jack with a ‘loaner’ one.  Better it happened there than on the road.

We stopped off in Fresno to have dinner with our son and I had to do some interesting maneuvering with the trailer.  Like a u-turn at a very busy intersection.  But my philosophy is that the more practice I get in tough situations the better I get overall.  We got home around 7 and I didn’t even back it into its spot for a reason.

We had reservations to meet up with an Airforums group in Three Rivers starting Friday.  Oh yes, off again!  But realize that Three Rivers is only 36 miles from home so we did not have far to go.  We all met at the Sequoia RV Ranch.  We had about 12 trailers show up.  Roxie and I had driven through the park previously but never stayed there.  We will go back sometime.  Here is a few of the trailers:

Sequoia RV 01

The group of Airstreamers were a very friendly one.  We found some old friends and new ones as we always do at these.  Had a nice low key happy hour on Friday night and a great potluck on Saturday night.  We also had our granddaughter with us for the weekend.  We stayed 3 nights but she had to get home on Sunday.  We were going to meet her mother in Three Rivers so we didn’t have to drive ALL THAT WAY home and then back!

Sunday we decided to head to Sequoia NP and climb Moro Rock and have a picnic.  We have done this before but our granddaughter had only done it once.  Only over 350 steps to get to the top.  We just took it slow, how else could we?  Here are some shots from the top (even one with both of us in it!):

Sequoia RV 03 Sequoia RV 04

We had the local newspaper come by on Saturday and ask questions about the Airstreamers.  It will be fun to see what gets written in the article.  I know they talked to me quite a bit and took some pictures.  Probably didn’t hurt that we were local also.

On Saturday we were off doing some other hiking in the lower levels of the park and someone came through and took photos of the trailers.  He did an HDR manipulation on them.  I was able to get a copy from him and we love it!  Here it is:

Sequoia RV 02


We had a very fun and uneventful weekend.  The only problem is that I dropped our awning lights (see above) and broke one of the bulbs.  Ouch.  Don’t know if I can find them.

We went home on Monday with the knowledge that we were going out again the next Saturday!  Do we ever rest?