Alumafandango trip – Day 9

Sorry I am bit late on this.  I am actually writing this from a seminar on Saturday.  Friday was a very interesting day, more so for others as you will read.

The first seminar we went to we were late to.  It was a talk, via Skype, with a couple of honchos from Airstream.  They presented what the current state of Airstream is for new models and directions.  They also talked about service issues.  Questions were fielded at the end.  Roxie showed amazing restraint by NOT asking questions about our current trailer.  Here is a shot of them on the big screen:

Day 9 Airstream Officials



The next seminar was a ‘newbies’ Q&A session hosted by Rich and Brett, affectionately known as ‘Stump the Chumps’.  There were many questions asked and we did learn some things.  Here are the twins onstage:

Day 9 Newbies Seminar



We went into town to have lunch and ate at Ken’s Sidewalk Cafe.  While we were ordering Tom and John rode up so we ate with them and had a very nice time visiting with them and learning more about their lives.  We recommended a bike path for them but Tom got a flat tire just into the ride…

The weather was very cloudy and humid.  Looked like there might be some thunder on the way.  I was heading over to the ‘Bloggers roundtable’ as I was part of the panel.  I was heading over to the shuttle bus, Roxie was bringing the truck later, but I heard a small sound of thunder.  I went back to the trailer and dropped the corner of our awning and rolled up the truck windows.  I also texted Roxie to remind her to close the vent in the bathroom.

The Blogger’s Roundtable went well.  We had Tom Schabarum, Rhonda Coleman and Leslie Irish Evans on the panel.  We all have different takes on why we blog.  There were many good questions.  After that was the nightly announcements and giveaways.

This evening had entertainment and Beth Wood was the performer. She is a solo folk performer and did a very admirable job.  The crowd was very subdued but there were a few that were dancing in the back to some of the slower songs.  Personally I appear very subdued but I enjoyed the performance very much.  She told a story of being in a heavy metal bar during acoustic night somewhere in South Carolina during early spring.  She was performing and looked outside and exclaimed about the huge snowflakes coming down!  That cleared out the bar as everyone ran outside to look.  Her words could not be more prophetic.

As she ended her set Brett came up and whispered something to her.  He then announced that she was going to do a couple more songs since it was POURING rain outside and no one had anywhere to go anyway.  That pretty much cleared the room and everyone rushed to their trailers to see if there was any damage.  But not us!  Remember I fixed things before I left and Roxie finished it up?  I felt very confident about our trailer and we stayed and enjoyed the rest of the show with about 10 others.  Here is a picture of Beth:

Day 9 Beth Wood


We got back to the trailer and found no issues whatsoever.  However there were three trailers that had bent support arms and one with a bent awning tube.  Paula, our neighbor across the row, had a bunch of water pooled on her awning.  I went over and helped her get the water off her awning and there was a LOT of water on there.

The rain and thunder continued through the night and kind of washed out the rest of the evening.  Roxie and I spent the evening in.  We even had a power failure in the RV park but in a trailer it is hard to notice.

Some pics of the clouds and rain:

Day 9 Clouds Day 9 Rainy